The Performance Excellence Awards Program
The foundation of the PiPEx program is the Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence and all of our services are based on its concepts. Our mission is to help organizations improve their overall performance, becoming more effective, competitive and sustainable through the use of the proven Baldrige Criteria.
Utilizing PiPEx's services is an effective way to energize employees, increase the focus on business results and measure your organization using a proven organizational excellence model. We offer many different ways to use the Criteria to assist you in improving your performance, regardless of your current level of excellence.
The PiPEX Award program is open to companies and non-profit organizations throughout Massachusetts, New York, Connecticut and Rhode Island regardless of where your corporate headquarters are located. Similar organizations from outside the state working with Massachusetts organizations are eligible. Whether you're large or small, established or start-up, the program scales to fit your organization's unique profile.
A key advantage of PiPEx is the ability to re-apply for award recognition and feedback every year. Although most state programs don’t permit this, our flexibility gives the opportunity for annual progress assessment.
PiPEx Award for Performance Excellence
This rigorous application and performance assessment process is based on the proven Baldrige principles for performance excellence. It provides applicants with an extensive written feedback report on their strengths and opportunities for improvement, thoughts on how to move to the next stage of excellence, and with prestigious recognition at the Platinum, Gold and Silver levels.
The modest pricing makes this review by a team of expert Examiners one of the best values in business today.
Each applicant receives a personal site visit from the examining team. The number of site visit days and the number of Examiners depends on applicant size and other factors.
This award process has an annual cycle, with statements of intent to apply generally due in July, full applications due in August, site visits during autumn, and the awards presented in late winter.
Recipients of the award will receive a trophy as well as recognition on the PiPEx website and can mention the award in their marketing materials.
PiPEx Award for Process or Category Excellence
This award focuses on a single process rather than the overall performance excellence of the applicant and is, therefore, much simpler to apply for.
Organizations can submit a written application at any time of year describing the process that they are proud of and will receive a through written assessment as well as an examination visit by a small team of examiners.
Organizations that win this award are recognized on the PiPEx website and can mention the award in their marketing materials.
PiPEx Recognition for Commitment to Performance Excellence
This recognition is given for an organization that commits to performance excellence improvement and goes through a review process by trained examiners.
Organizations can submit their organizational profile and application materials at any time of year.
They will receive a review, ending with a site visit by 1-2 PiPEx representatives to discuss their accomplishments and next steps..
Organizations that are recognized will be mentioned on the PiPEx website and can mention the award in their marketing materials.
PiPEx Assisted Performance Excellence Self-Assessment
This is a simple yet thorough and anonymous on-line survey for leaders and/or employees of an organization that wants to quickly understand its strengths and opportunities for performance excellence. It enables an organization to accomplish a high-level prioritization of where they might best spend scarce improvement resources.
Organizations work with PiPEx to identify who should participate in the survey. Then PiPEx administers the survey to assure anonymity and provides a written feedback report to the organization. A PiPEx leader personally presents and discusses the results.
This service is available at any time during the year.